Curierul Medical, 2015, Vol. 58, Nr. 4


Recent Submissions

  • Unknown author (Ministerul Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, 2015)
    From its debut in 1958, the journal has striven to support the interests of Moldovan medicine concerning the new concepts of its development. The Editorial Board warmly welcomes both the readers of and the authors for ...
  • Curca, C. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background. A part of migraine patients complain of unilateral or bilateral ocular pain during migraine access, which may be associated with some vegetative disorders: ptosis, mydriasis, conjunctival congestion, photo and ...
  • Babiuc, Vasile (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: In all the patients with combustions comprising more than 50% of the body surface, bacteremia takes place, and, during the shock period, its influence is minimal, then, during the toxemia period, when the ...
  • Spinei, L.; Rotaru, N.; Condrea, O. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) represents an approach that integrates clinical experience and patient’s values with the best available research information. It involves a process of lifelong problem-based learning ...
  • Cozac, V.; Rotaru, L.; Pascal, O. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a noninvasive brain stimulation method that can modulate excitability of the human cortex. It has been assumed by different research groups that suppressing ...
  • Pleșcan, Tudor; Costru-Tașnic, Elena; Gavriliuc, Mihail; Arion, Marian; Dacin, Ianoș (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Hemorrhagic transformation (HT) of ischemic stroke is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon, which involves numerous parameters whose knowledge remains partial. Large HT is often associated with poorer outcome ...
  • Lesnic, E.; Jucov, A.; Niguleanu, A.; Todoriko, L.; Semianiv, I.; Podverbetkaia, E. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: The Republic of Moldova reports the biggest incidence of tuberculosis and the biggest rate of migrants among European Region countries. For the most of migrants the risk for TB development is correlated with ...
  • Parii, Sergiu; Ungureanu, Alina; Rusnac, Liliana; Nicolai, Eugeniu; Valica, Vladimir (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Animal research has enormous utility as understanding the complex interactions of molecular mechanisms, biochemical and physiological study ultimately depends on intact organisms in vivo. The use of animals for ...
  • Caraiani, O.; Ghinda, S.; Mestesug, B.; Lesnic, E. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a big challenge for public health in the Republic of Moldova, with an incidence recored on the third place among high TB-burden countries. Pneumonia is a distinct nosologic entity included ...
  • Lesnic, E.; Ghinda, S. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Abstract Background: The Rrepublic of Moldova reports the biggest incidence of tuberculosis and the lowest success treatment rate among European region countries. In the most of patients the antituberculosis treatment ...
  • Melnic, E. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: This article describes the growth rate of pituitary adenomas, their invasion and potential recurrence. Some of them grow rapidly while others remain in a dormant condition for a long time. The recurrence rate ...
  • Spinei, A.; Gavriliuc, L.; Spinei, I. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Pediatric dentistry is looking for new methods to influence the cariogenic microorganisms of dental biofilm without the use of antiseptics and antibiotics, which often have negative side effects. Photodynamic ...
  • Rotaru, D-M. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: A great number of indicators and quality of life indices in terms of health are reported in the current statistical statements of general morbidity, although having plenty of information; they also have low ...
  • Tambala, C. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Early diagnosis of diffuse chronic liver pathologies greatly improves the treatment and pathology evolution prior to the installing of the irreversible fibrosis and cirrhosis. Color duplex Doppler ultrasonography ...
  • Bernaz, E.P. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: Irrational use of medicines that is wasteful and harmful presents an extremely serious global problem. In developing and transitional countries, in primary care less than 40% of patients in the public sector ...
  • Moldovanu, I.; Mazur, I. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the complex of psychological, emotional and neuro-vegetative symptoms dependent on cyclical fluctuations of reproductive hormones; due to the present study we investigated the ...
  • Cernelea, N.; Spinei, L.; Friptuleac, G. (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2015)
    Background: The rate of childhood overweight and obesity is increasing in all countries. Overweight in children represents a very dangerous tendency because for long term it may cause serious health problems such as ...