Sunt analizate 49 lucrări ştiinţifice, ce vizează: fiziologia, diagnosticul funcţional şi paraclinic ale sindromului icteric instalat în litiaza
biliară. Este expusă noţiunea de colemie. Sunt menţionate date privind colereza şi particularităţile acesteia în afecţiunea hepatocelulară.
Au fost studiate şi sistematizate corespunzător eficacităţii metodele funcţionale de diagnostic ale colemiei. Au fost studiate şi s-a efectuat
analiza comparativă a eficacităţii metodelor instrumentale de investigaţie.
The analyses of 49 scientific works that included the study of jaundice syndrome in biliary gallstones disease, specifically: physiology,
functional and instrumental diagnosis was revealed. It was exposed the definition of cholemia. Data about cholegenesis and some disorders
in states with hepatocelulare disturbances were mentioned. The liver function tests were studied and the topic of the efficiency was
presented. The efficiency of instrumental methods of diagnosis was study and was given the analyses of comparison.