Background: In RM the mortality rate remains high in serious injuries due to a flawed healthcare system. At the moment they
try to improve quality of healthcare with available resources of both government institutions as well as non-governmental
The aim: The aim of our work was to implement a performing program to train doctors preoccupied in severely traumatized
patient’s care. Currently one of the most popular same programs is also ATLS.
Materials and methods: The process started with the application request for accession to the American College of Surgeons
in 2014 on the initiative by the management ATORM, Dr. Bassel El-Osta and the British Ambassador in RM His honority
Phil Batson. In July 2015, Moldova was visited by Prof.dr. I.B. Schipper , ATLS Region 15 Chief, Europe and Africa and
A. Baker, Chair of ATLS Europe, who visited IMU and CUSIM. On July 29, 2015 was signed MOU between ATORM
and ACS. Later with the support of UK Embassy in the RM, MS RM, IMU, The Swiss Cooperation in Moldova, SUMP
“N. Testemițanu” it was possible in June 2016 departure of 16 candidates in Nottingham, UK for study ATLS course. All
participants supported the successful course, becoming ATLS providers, 8 of them ATLS instructors. In November 2016 it
is planned to hold ATLS course in RM by a team of local and international instructors.
Discussions: It is absolutely crucial to implement the ATLS principles in RM. According to literature data implementing the
ATLS principles lowers severely traumatized patient hospital mortality by up to 30%. The base of the process of implementing
has been already made, now it is necessary to continue the process.
Conclusions: The process of implementing the ATLS principles in RM is already in process, the implementation of which
will allow local healthcare system to significantly reduce mortality in severe multiple trauma.
Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic ”Vitalie Bețișor” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Republic of Moldova, Institute of Emergency Medicine, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016