Show simple item record Biniuc, Dumitru 2020-11-11T11:32:05Z 2020-11-11T11:32:05Z 2020-10
dc.description State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemiteanu" Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltare en_US
dc.description.abstract Introduction: Patient’s satisfaction is an important element when determining the quality of medical services. The patient’s experiences are an important variable, associated with patient safety and clinical efficacy. The evaluation of healthcare quality should include patient’s perspective, and patients can be included in the process of evaluating all the basic components of quality [2]. Measuring the quality of healthcare and improving patient’s satisfaction has become more and more widespread, especially among medical services providers, and this fact is due to consumers becoming more and more informed about healthcare services [3]. Patients’ satisfaction is a component of medical act and thus it determines the quality of the health system in the country [4]. Quality evaluation helps the providers of medical services to recognize patients’ specific needs and issues regarding provision of services and to elaborate quality improvement programs in order to allocate the resources more efficiently and to ensure a higher level of pacient satisfaction [1]. Surveys addressed to patients are frequently used both internationally and nationally to measure the performance of health system. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study has been conducted to evaluate patients’ satisfaction level regarding hospital medical care. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire has been used to collect data, that has been completed by 118 persons, who have been beneficiaries of hospital medical care. Excel program has been used to create and analyze the database. Purpose of study: Analysis of patients’ satisfaction regarding hospital medical care. R E S U L T S: We found out that patients’ satisfaction regarding hospital medical care varies depending on factors such as: 1. the time when medical care is received. 2. pacient's place of residence. 3. type of hospital in which the patient has been inspitalized. 4. insured/uninsured status. Out of total number of respondents, each third has mentioned that he/she remained ”satisfied” and ”very satisfied” of the medical care received in the hospital (33,6%). In this category of answers, the largest share is held by those who received medical care during daytime (44,9%), during night-time (31,4%), and the fewest respondents are satisfied and very satisfied with the care provided in the hospital during the weekends and the holidays (24,6%) (Figure 1). The satisfaction level of patients varies depending on the place of residence. Therefore, fewer respondents from rural locations declare themselves ”satisfied” and ”very satisfied” by medical care received in hospital, compared to those from urban area (Figure 2). Depending on the type of hospital in which the respondents were hospitalized, the highest level of satisfaction of patients regarding medical care received during daytime, night-time, and during weekends and holidays is attested in municipal hospitals (64,4%), followed by republican hospitals with 44%, and district hospitals are the last in the ranking with 20,8%(Figure 3). Uninsured persons have given the fewest ”Satisfied” and ”Very satisfied” qualifiers for the medical services received during daytime, night-time, and during weekends and holidays compared to insured persons (Figure 4). The satisfaction level of patients regarding medical care received in the hospital is determined by many factors, such as: knowledge, qualification and attitude of medical personnel, the conditions and comfort in the medical ward, the conditions in the dispensary, the sanitary block, hospital feeding practices etc. In order to determine the pacient’s level of satisfaction regarding medical services received in hospitals, a five-point scale has been proposed to respondents, from ”Very unsatisfied” to ”Very satisfied”. Thus, 57,6% and 53,4% of them, respectively, declared themselves satisfied and very satisfied of knowledge and qualification shown by doctors and by nurses, respectively, during their time spent in the hospital. Only 36,4% of the interviewed have stated that the time for consulting spent by the doctor in the medical ward was sufficient. Satisfied by the attitude of medical personnel (politeness, behaviour etc.) turned out to be 42,4% of the respondents, and a little less (37,3 %) have communicated they were satisfied and very satisfied by the behaviour and attitude of nurses and kitchen personnel. When asked to appreciate the satisfaction level regarding the conditions and comfort in hospital, conditions in the procedure room and other spaces, the highest frequency of responses was ”Satisfied” and ”Very satisfied” - 49,2%, followed by the comfort in the medical ward (temperature: warm/cold etc) with 37,3%.When it comes to conditions in the medical ward (cleanliness, furniture, space etc), each third respondent declared himself/herself as being satisfied and very satisfied (33,9%). The share of patients who showed themselves satisfied and very satisfied by the previously nominated indicators was dropping when they were asked about hospital feeding practices (28%), bed linen and duvet from the medical ward (26,3%), the conditions in the sanitary blocks and possibilities of recreation (22,9%), and the ranking is closed by water availability (cold and warm during 24 hours) and the possibility to take a shower, with only 22%(Figure 5). If evaluating patients’ satisfaction taking into account different aspects of medical services during their time spent in hospital - using Likert scale (from 1 to 5 points), then the responses regarding these aspects fall within the range 2,55 – 3,52 points. It is important to mention that the services concerning the medical act: knowledge, doctors’ and nurses’ qualifications, attitude of medical personnel, conditions in the dispensary, the time spent by the doctor in medical ward for medical examinations are in the top of ranking, and the aspects related to accommodation conditions (feeding practices, sanitary block, water, shower), and the conditions for recreation are at the bottom of ranking (Figure 6). Conclusions: 1. The evaluation of patient’s satisfaction revealed some aspects that affect negatively the patients’ perception of hospital medical services. 2. The satisfaction level of patients regarding hospital medical services varies depending on diverse factors, such as: patient’s place of residence, type of hospital, patient’s insurance status and the time when medical services are received. 3. The identified problems should be taken into consideration when developing ment national healthcare system strategies. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testemiţanu" en_US
dc.subject patients’ satisfaction en_US
dc.subject hospital medical care en_US
dc.title Patient satisfaction with hospital medical care en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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