This literature review concerns biological resolvable suture materials. A large range of different (various) sorts of raw materials, of both
biological and artificial natures were represented for these purposes throughout the long historical period. Despite a considerable quantity of
offered kinds of biomaterials for surgical thread manufacturing, the problem remains unresolved until now. A solution is offered by a new biological
suture material – arahnopiaphylum – which corresponds to the basic requirements shown to biological resolving materials of suture and ligature
in surgery. This material is characterized by a high level of durability, elasticity and by a low level of capillarity and swelling characteristics.
В работе представлен обзор литературы, касающейся шовных и лигатурных материалов, применяемых в хирургической практике.
На протяжении длительного исторического периода в этих целях использовались самые разнообразные виды сырья биологического
и иного происхождения. Однако проблема до настоящего времени остаётся не до конца решённой.