S-a efectuat un studiul complex al glicemiei, insulinei imunorective, peptidului C şi a antagoniştilor insulinici hormonali in dinamica testului
oral de toleranţă la glucoză, a indicilor de bază a metabolismului a lipidic şi a indicilor hemostazei efectuat pe un lot de 76 diabetici de tip
2 normoponderali primar depistaţi, care au fost împărţiţi în grupe în funcţie de prezenţa sau lipsa angiopatiilor. Rezultatele obţinute au
relevat prezenţa deficienţei insulinice de gradul de manifestare a căreia depinde intensitatea tulburărilor hormonale, ale metabolismului
lipidic şi ale sistemului de hemostază care favorizează dezvoltarea angiopatiilor diabetice.
The clinical, hormonal, metabolical and hemostasis peculiarities of normal weight patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes
In this paper we are presenting a complex study of glucose, immunoreactive insulin, C-peptide and insulin hormone antagonists values
in correlation with dynamics of oral glucose tolerance test, basic indices of lipid metabolism and hemostasis. Our study was performed
on a group of 76 normal weight patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. All patients were divided into groups according to the
presence or absence of angiopathy. Obtained data suggests that severity of insulin deficiency correlate with expression of hormonal and
lipid metabolism as well with hemostasis disturbances. All this undoubtedly leads to the development of diabetic angiopathy.