Background. The transplantation activities started in the Republic of Moldova with skeletal tissues in 1960. The first valve
transplant was performed in 2002 and 30 other valve transplants have been done throughout the following 5 years. On
March 2008, was passed the Law no. 42-XVI on the transplant of organs, tissues and cells, modified by Law no.103 of the
June 2014.
Results. The evaluation, by the Council of Europe’s experts, of the system of human organs, tissues and cells transplant in
the Republic of Moldova confirmed the complicated situation in the field of transplant and encouraged the mobilisation of
the domestic forces, aiming at the implementation of priority strategies and activities related to human organs, tissues and
cells procurement and transplant.
The first Multi-tissue bank has been authorized in 2013 by the Ministry of Health. It has authorization for procurement,
processing, preservation and delivering allogeneic and autologous skin, bones, nerves, cartilage, meniscus, fascia, vessels,
amniotic membrane, autologous adipose tissue and autologous bone marrow.
Procurements of tissues in 2014 was performed from 29 deceased donors and 10 living donors were procured 184 tissues
(46 cornea), processed – 544, transplanted – 372 (46 cornea) to 218 patients.
Conclusions. One of the aims pursued by the Republic of Moldova is to establish an efficient, functional transplant system
that will cover the country's needs in tissues for the patient’s treatment.
The evaluation of the transplant system in the Republic of Moldova has pointed out the key-issues that are at the basis of
developing the national transplant programme and building a well-organised infrastructure.
Human Tissue Bank, Republic of Moldova, Transplant Agency of the Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016