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Extinderea serviciilor de sănătate prietenoase tinerilor în Republica Moldova: realizări și lecţii învățate

Show simple item record Ţurcanu, Tamara Lesco, Galina 2019-06-13T14:24:12Z 2019-06-13T14:24:12Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation ŢURCANU, Tamara; LESCO, Galina. Extinderea serviciilor de sănătate prietenoase tinerilor în Republica Moldova: realizări și lecţii învățate. In: Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină. 2017, nr. 4(74), pp. 5-9. ISSN 1729-8687. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1729-8687
dc.description Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“, Asociaţia "Sănătate pentru Tineri" en_US
dc.description.abstract This paper analyzed the first results in the youth-friendly health services (YFHS) scaling up, launched in Moldova in 2011. Based on this analysis have made a number of lessons learned, needed to be taken into consideration in planning the next steps in the development of YFHS. The work was based on analysis of official statistics in the health and development of adolescents and young people, the annual reports of activity Youth Friendly Health Centres (49 san form) for 2011-2015 and monitoing visits; data coverage studies Services in the YFHS (2012, 2015) by interviewing 10-24 years old; results of evaluation of compliance mandatory health education curricula of educational institutions by applying SERAT assessment tool, UNESCO 2014 and operational reports of the Moldovan-Swiss project “Healthy Generation”. The obtained results indicate that during the youth friendly health services scaling up proces, initiated in 2011, access of yang people to YFHS increased in the last 5 years more than 3 times. Thus, in 2011 had access to YFHS about 5% of youth 10-24 years, and in 2015 – already 18%. About 35% of the beneficiaries of these services are boys. YFHS are curently (2016) offered by a network of 38 Youth Friendly Health Centers (YFHC), which operates in all districts and municipalities of the country. For comparison – in 2011 functioned, partly prepondert, only 12 YFHCs. În the same time, from 2012 till 2015, in the districts where established new YFHCs proportion of parents who support their children adolescents in addressing to YFHS increased near 2 times – from 12,1% to 22, 4%. However, that they yielded results in increasing access Remar young people from Moldova over 3 times in the last 3-4 years the youth-friendly health services, continued efforts are needed to ensure the quality and sustainability of these services. The impact of YFHS on the adolescent’s and youth health indicators can be increased by introducing comprehensive programs for health education, including sexuality education in the compulsory school curricula; through ongoing information and communication with parents and other community members about the importance of adolescent health and the application of functional mechanisms of intersectoral collaboration and referral health of adolescents. This paper analyzed the fi rst results in the youth-friendly health services (YFHS) scaling up, launched in Moldova in 2011. Based on this analysis have made a number of lessons learned, needed to be taken into consideration in planning the next steps in the development of YFHS. The work was based on analysis of offi cial statistics in the health and development of adolescents and young people, the annual reports of activity Youth Friendly Health Centres (49 san form) for 2011-2015 and monitoing visits; data coverage studies Services in the YFHS (2012, 2015) by interviewing 10-24 years old; results of evaluation of compliance mandatory health education curricula of educational institutions by applying SERAT assessment tool, UNESCO 2014 and operational reports of the Moldovan-Swiss project “Healthy Generation”. The obtained results indicate that during the youthfriendly health services scaling up proces, initiated in 2011, access of yang people to YFHS increased in the last 5 years more than 3 times. Thus, in 2011 had access to YFHS about 5% of youth 10-24 years, and in 2015 – already 18%. About 35% of the benefi ciaries of these services are boys. YFHS are curently (2016) offered by a network of 38 Youth Friendly Health Centers (YFHC), which operates in all districts and municipalities of the country. For comparison – in 2011 functioned, partly prepondert, only 12 YFHCs. În the same time, from 2012 till 2015, in the districts where established new YFHCs proportion of parents who support their children adolescents in addressing to YFHS increased near 2 times – from 12,1% to 22, 4%. However, that they yielded results in increasing access Remar young people from Moldova over 3 times in the last 3-4 years the youth-friendly health services, continued efforts are needed to ensure the quality and sustainability of these services. The impact of YFHS on the adolescent’s and youth health indicators can be increased by introducing comprehensive programs for health education, including sexuality education in the compulsory school curricula; through ongoing information and communication with parents and other community members about the importance of adolescent health and the application of functional mechanisms of intersectoral collaboration and referral health of adolescents. en_US
dc.description.abstract Вэтой статье были проанализированыпервые результатыв процессе расширения услуг здравоохранения дружественных к молодежи (УЗДМ), начатого в Республике Молдова в 2011 году. На основе этого анализа были сформулированы ряд извлеченных уроков, необходимых принять во внимание, планируя следующие шаги в развитииУЗДМ. Работа основана на: анализе официальных статистических данных в области здравоохранения и развития подростков и молодежи; ежегодные отчеты деятельности центров здоровья дружественных к молодежи (форма 49 san) за 2011-2015 годы; данные исследованийОхватаУЗДМ (2012, 2015) путемопросамолодых людей 10-24 лет в репрезентатиной выборке; зезультаты оценки соответствия обязательных школьных программ по комплексному воспитаниюздоровогообразажизни, включительно половое воспитание, путемприменения инструмента оценки программпрофилактического образования SERAT, ЮНЕСКО (2014), и оперативные отчетымолдавско-швейцарского проекта “Здоровое поколение”. Полученные результатысвидетельствуют о том, что в ходе процесса расширения услуг здравоохранения дружественных к молодежи, инициированного в 2011 году, доступ молодежи к УЗДМ увеличилось за последние 5 лет более чем в 3 раза. Таким образом, в 2011 году имели доступ к УЗДМ около 5% молодежи 10-24 лет, а в 2015 году – уже 18%. Около 35% получателей этих услуг являются юноши. УЗДМ в настоящее время (2016 г.) предоставляются сетью 38 центров здоровья дружественных кмолодежи (ЦЗДМ), которая осуществляет своюдеятельность во всех районах имуниципалитетах страны. Для сравнения – в 2011 году функционировало, частично, только 12 ЦЗДМ. Также, с 2012 до 2015 года, в районах, где они были открыты новые ЦЗДМ, доля родителей, которые поддерживаютсвоих детей подростков в решении посетить УЗДМ увеличилось примерно в 2 раза – с 12,1% до 22, 4%. Вместе с тем, в результате расширения доступа молодых людей из Республики Молдова к УЗДМ более чем в 3 раза за последние 3-4 года, необходимы дальнейшие усилия для обеспечения качества и устойчивости этих услуг. Влияние УЗДМна состояние здоровья подростков имолодежиможет быть увеличена путем введения комплексного воспитания здорового образа жизни, включительно половое воспитание, в обязательные школьные программы, в ходе постоянного информирования и общения с родителями и другими членами сообщества о важности здоровья подростков, и применения функциональныхмеханизмовмежсекторного сотрудничества и перенаправления в области подросткового здоровья.
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Asociația Obștească "Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină" din Republica Moldova en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină: Conferința națională de gastroenterologie și hepatologie cu participare internaţională ”Actualități în gastroenterologie și hepatologie” cu tematica: Stările precanceroase și canceroase în patologia digestivă și cea hepatică, dedicată anului Nicolae Testemițanu 29 noiembrie 2017 Chișinău, Republica Moldova
dc.subject adolescents en_US
dc.subject youth en_US
dc.subject youth friendly health services en_US
dc.subject.mesh Adolescent en_US
dc.subject.mesh Health Education en_US
dc.subject.mesh Adolescent Health Services en_US
dc.subject.mesh Young Adult en_US
dc.subject.mesh Data Interpretation, Statistical en_US
dc.subject.mesh Quality of Health Care en_US
dc.subject.mesh Moldova en_US
dc.title Extinderea serviciilor de sănătate prietenoase tinerilor în Republica Moldova: realizări și lecţii învățate en_US
dc.title.alternative Youth-Friendly Health Services scaling up in Republic of Moldova: Achievements and lessons learned en_US
dc.title.alternative Расширение доступа к услугам здравоохранения дружественных к молодежи в Республике Молдова: достижения и извлеченные уроки en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină Nr. 4 (74) / 2017
    Materialele Conferinței naționale de gastroenterologie și hepatologie cu participare internaţională ”Actualități în gastroenterologie și hepatologie” cu tematica: Stările precanceroase și canceroase în patologia digestivă și cea hepatică, dedicată anului Nicolae Testemițanu 29 noiembrie 2017 Chișinău, Republica Moldova

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