The purpose of this study was to examine the evolution of
clinical, biochemical, and immunological parameters in
patients with chronic viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis under
the influence of treatment with Imuheptin and Imupurin.
After 3 months of treatment was found complete regression
or decrease of clinical signs and syndromes: dyspeptic and
astenovegetativ syndroms, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly,
artralgy. The positive evolution of clinical signs was confirmed by the results of laboratory investigations. Decrease of
ALT and AST activity in all monitored patients and a decrease
of thymol test level were found. It was found immunomodulating effect: increase of the CD4+- and CD3+-lymphocytes
and decrease of the CD20+-lymphocytes and CIC. During
the study, all patients established good tolerability of the
administered medication.
Studiul a fost întreprins cu scopul studierii evoluţiei parametrilor clinico-biochimici şi imunologici la bolnavii cu
hepatite virale cronice şi ciroză hepatică sub infl uenţa
tratamentului cu Imupurin şi Imuheptin. După 3 luni de
tratament, s-a constatat regresarea totală sau diminuarea
sindroаmelor şi simptomelor clinice: dispepsic, asteno-vegetativ, hepatomegalia, splenomegalia, artralgia. Evoluţia
pozitivă a simptomaticii clinice a fost confi rmată prin rezultatele investigaţiilor de laborator. S-a constatat diminuarea
activităţii AlATşi AsAt la toţi pacienţii supravegheaţi şi
reducerea nivelului probei cu timol. A fost constatat efectul
imunomodulator – creşterea număruluiCD4+- şi CD3+-
limfocitelor şi micşorarea numărului CD20+-limfocitelor
şi a CIC. Pe parcursul studiului, toţi pacienţii au manifestat
toleranţă bună la terapia administrată.