Efficiency of ursodezoxycolic acid (UDCA) in the
therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Objective: to study the clinical efficacy of UDCA in
patients with GERD using the international questionnaire GerdQ.
Materials and methods. Patients with GERD for 6
weeks received therapy: 1st group (n = 44) pantoprazole 40 mg/day; 2nd group (n = 46) pantoprazole (40
mg/day) and UDCA (10 mg/kg/day). The results of the
questionnaire were evaluated before and at the end of
the observation period.
Results. The total score of questionnaires before treatment: 1st group 15 ± 4.37, 2nd group – 16 ± 4.96 (p>
0.05), in the category B, respectively, 4.45 ± 0.68 and
4.39 ± 0.64 (p> 0.05); after treatment: 1 st group, 14 ±
2,46, 2nd group 7 ± 2,21 (p <0,05), in the category B,
3,81 ± 0,61 and 1,31 ± 0,2 respectively (p <0.01).
Conclusions. Additional inclusion of UDCA in the
therapy scheme of GERD compared with monotherapy
with pantoprazole increases its effectiveness by 1.5
times. Reduction of the score of the questionnaire for
category B after treatment is evidence of the presence of
the biliary component in the pathogenesis of GERD.
Днипровский национальный университет
им. Олеся Гончара, Факультет медицинских
технологий диагностики и реабилитации,
г. Днипро, Украина