Summary. Intrauterine fetal growth retardation (IFGR) shows a current perinatal issue leading to multi-perinatal complications, affecting the development of the fetus and determining
long-term morbidity.
Dopplerography introduction allowed the opportunity to
make repeated noninvasive studies of utero-fetal-maternal
hemodynamics. Compared with other methods of fetal monitoring, dopplerography supposed to be more sensitive in
establishing early compromise of fetal status and determine
timing for induction of labor.
The purpose of this study is the analysis of presented gravity
in changes taking place in the utero-placento-fetal circulation in fetuses undergoing IFGR and blood fl ow disturbance
effects of different degree of perinatal outcomes.
A study was conducted of 70 pregnancies between 24.0-36.6
weeks’ gestation term amenorrhea resulting in premature
birth accompanied by IFGR. Studied tasks were distributed
in the degree of circulatory insuffi ciency according to classifi cation proposed by M. Medvedev.
In the presented study a predominance of pathological
vascular fl ow with a high degree of involvement was established in tasks that term IFGR started early with a moderate
attenuation index with advancing gestation period. Uterine
artery dopplerography changes are present in almost half of
all cases resulting in premature birth, while preeclampsia
is very common in cases of fetal retardation.
After the results of this study it was found that dopplerography placental circulation may be an effective method
for predicting multiple complications in pregnancy and
fetuses were subjected IFGR more likely to be hospitalized
in intensive care unit and to develop obstetric and neonatal