Show simple item record Donţu, Sergiu 2021-04-12T11:03:00Z 2021-04-12T11:03:00Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation DONŢU, Sergiu. Studiul complicaţiilor farmacoterapiei cu AINS = Investigation of pharmacological complication of NSAIDs. In: Revista Farmaceutică a Moldovei. 2017, nr. 1-2, p. 98. ISSN 1812-5077. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1812-5077
dc.description Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova en_US
dc.description.abstract Introducere. Farmacoterapia adecvată, recomandată de medicul reumatolog, precum şi realizarea unui plan de management al bolilor reumatismale pot încetini procesul de evoluţie al acestora [1]. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea eficienţei şi siguranţei tratamentului antiinflamator prescris bolnavilor cu afecţiuni reumatismale. Material şi metode. Analiza tratamentului medicamentos cu AINS la bolnavii cronici cu afecţiuni reumatismale. Rezultate. Conform datelor obţinute, la bolnavii cărora sau administrat AINS neselective rezultatele eficienţei tratamentului sunt următoarele: fără efect - 0 %, ameliorare - 32,2%, efect esenţial - 77,8%. Pe când la administrarea AINS selective, rezultatele sunt: fără efect - 2%, ameliorare - 22,2%, efect esenţial - 82,4%. în urma analizei incidenţei reacţiilor adverse, s-a constatat, că diclofenac a provocat mai des arsuri retrostemale (65%), dureri epigastrice (32%), greţuri (11%) şi erupţii cutanate (17%). în cadrul tratamentului cu AINS selective, precum nimesulid, s-au determinat: gust amar în gură (32%), dureri sub rebordul costal drept (14%), dureri în epigastru (17%). La meloxicam efectele adverse se rezumă la umflarea gleznelor (18%) şi erupţii cutanate (21%), acestea fiind în special la bolnavii cu anamneză alergologică pozitivă. Concluzii. La administrarea AINS neselective s-au determinat mai frecvent dereglări gastrointestinale şi reacţii alergice, preparatele selective, fiind mai bine tolerate. en_US
dc.description.abstract Introduction. The appropriate pharmacotherapy recommended by the rheumatologist and the implementation of a management plan on rheumatic diseases can slow down their development [1], The aim of the study. The research of the efficiency and the safety of NSAIDs treatment prescribed to patients with rheumatic diseases. Material and methods. The analysis of the drug treatment with NSAIDs at patients with chronic rheumatic diseases. Results. According to the available data, at patients who were administered nonselective NSAID treatment efficacy, results are as follows: no effect - 0%, improvement - 32.2%, essential effect - 77.8%. While using the selective NAIDs, the results are: ineffective - 2%, improvement - 22.2%, crucial effect - 82.4%. The analysis of side effects revealed that diclofenac caused more often retorstemale bums (65%), epigastric pain (32%), nausea (11%) and rash (17%). Under treatment with selective NSAIDs such as nimesulide were determined: bitter taste in the mouth (32%), pain below the right costal margin (14%), pain in the upper abdomen (17%). The side effects of meloxicam are limited to swollen ankles (18%) and rash (21%), which is especially positive in patients with allergy history. Conclusions. According to the study, in the treatment with non-selective NSAIDs, gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions occur more often, while selective NSAIDs are better tolerated. en_US
dc.publisher Asociația Farmaciștilor din Republica Moldova en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Revista Farmaceutică a Moldovei: Materials of First Congress of Pharmaceutical Students Association from Republic of Moldova dedicated to the Year Nicolae Testemitanu "Innovation and creativity in pharmaceutical practice and research”, May 4-7, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.subject drugs en_US
dc.subject anti-inflammatory en_US
dc.subject efficacy en_US
dc.subject complications en_US
dc.subject NSAIDs en_US
dc.title Studiul complicaţiilor farmacoterapiei cu AINS en_US
dc.title.alternative Investigation of pharmacological complication of NSAIDs en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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  • Revista Farmaceutică a Moldovei Nr. 1-2, 2017
    Materials of First Congress of Pharmaceutical Students Association from Republic of Moldova dedicated to the Year Nicolae Testemitanu "Innovation and creativity in pharmaceutical practice and research”, May 4-7, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

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