Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
(IRMS – Nicolae Testemițanu SUMPh)

The Moldovan Medical Journal, Vol. 60, No 4, December 2017

The Moldovan Medical Journal, Vol. 60, No 4, December 2017


Recent Submissions

  • Unknown author (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    The Moldovan Medical Journal is an international scientific double-blind peer-reviewed periodical edition, 6 per year, of the Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova designed for specialists in the areas ...
  • Groppa, Liliana (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
  • Ghicavii, Victor; Podgurschi, Lilia; Pogonea, Ina; Rakovski, Tatiana (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: The global aging of the population is particularly evident in economically developed countries and has a progressive character, being in the sight of the state, government and of many international organizations. ...
  • Dolapciu, Elena (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: The prevalence of obesity increased worldwide in children and adolescents from 1975 to 2016. The recent increase in childhood obesity has led to an interest in the question of which definitions should be used ...
  • Lesnic, Evelina (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: Tuberculosis outcome and clinical features of the infection are influenced by the degree of the multiplication of mycobacterias, host’s defense mechanisms and the organism’s capacity to fight through the ...
  • Zorina, Zinovia; Catereniuc, Ilia; Babuci, Angela; Botnari, Tatiana; Certan, Galina (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: The study of anatomical variability is a component of one of the largest compartments of anatomy and it is a current direction of the modern morphology, conditioned by the nowadays requirements of practical ...
  • Capros, Hristiana; Mihalcean, Luminita; Porfire, Liliana; Surguci, Mihail (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a major public health problem due to complications that have a direct impact on the most important reproductive health indicators: maternal morbidity and mortality. It is a leading ...
  • Suman, Serghei; Topor, Boris; Suman, Ala (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: The neck is divided into two compartments: anterior compartment, which includes the organs with their fascial cellular structures and the posterior compartment, which is constituted of muscles with their fascial ...
  • Roşca, Daniela (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: There is currently convincing clinical and experimental evidence that a hyperglycemic intrauterine environment is responsible not only for significant short-term outcomes in the fetus and newborn infant, but ...
  • Draguta, Ilarion; Lupasco, Constantin; Gorincioi, Ghenadie; Targon, Roman; Draguta, Diana (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: The neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine) of the sympathetic nervous system that perform numerous cellular and tissue functions contribute to tumor growth during the early stages of development. ...
  • Dumbraveanu, Ion; Ciuhrii, Ceslav; Tanase, Adrian (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Background: The treatment of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis remains an unexplained urology problem. Adenoprosin is a new entomological product containing lipoprotein extract of Lepidopteran insect species. Laboratory ...