The efficiency of Novophane Shampoo in the allergic and inflammatory reaction of scalp
have been evaluated in this study. The Novophan Shampoo high quality effects were
demonstrated by moisturizing and calming action, which have been controlled by the allergic
inflamation in the contact dermatitis of scalp in comparasion with other shampoos (Skin-cap
Shampoo). This effect was determinated by the pharmacological particularities of Novophan
A fost studiat efectul clinic al preparatului Novophane Shampoo în terapia reacţiilor
alergice şi inflamatorii ale scalpului. Novophane Shampoo a demonstrat un efect hidratant şi
calmant calitativ cu eficacitate clinică înaltă, ce asigură controlul asupra inflamaţiei alergice în
dermatita de contact a scalpului comparativ cu alte preparate cheratoregulatoare (Skin-Cap
Shampoo). Aceste efecte sunt determinate de particularităţile farmacologice a preparatului