In clinic of vertebrology, ortopedics and traumatology of university 29 children, with lesions
of the lumbar and dorsal segment of the vertebral column in children, for correction of
deformation in whom used were polysegmentary constructions. Realization of this stabilization
and correction technology of the backbone deformation growing patients has allowed to receive
positive results to a range of rehabilitation actions and to improve social adaptation of this
category of sick children.
În clinica univerditară de vertebrologie, ortopedie şi traumatologie o fost operaţi 29 copii, cu
liziuni segmentul dorzal şi lombar al coloanei vertebrale, la care pentru corectarea diformităţii so
folosit construcţii polisegmentare. Realizarea tehnologii avansate o conduc la obţinerea unor
rezultate bune de tratament.