This article presents an observation of a patient with clinical and imaging dates of
abdominal tumor with intestinal lesions, which caused the development of intestinal obstruction
syndrome. The tumor was removed by laparotomy, resection of the intestinal segment bearing a
tumor. The article discusses the incidence of these tumors, the difficulty of preoperative
diagnosis and the possibility to determine histological type.
Este prezentată observaţia unui pacient cu semne clinice şi imagistice de tumor abdomenal
cu afectarea intestinului, care a dezvoltat un sindrom – ocluziv intestinal. Tumora a fost extirpată
prin laparotomie, rezecţie de segment intestinal cu tumora dată. Se discută incidenţa acestor
tumori, dificultăţile diagnosticului preoperator şi posibilităţile explorărilor histologice.