Introduction. The drinking water and mineral water market shows that the consumer is often interested in the use of waters for prophylactic purposes, fortified
with microelements, vitamins, etc. Over the years of experience, the population
has been interested in iodized water.
Material and methods. In collaboration with the National Center for Public
Health, a study was achieved about iodine deficiency in a group of children and its
reduction due to the consumption of iodized fortified water. The water production technology fortified with this microelement was developed and implemented.
Results. The following technological process is used to produce iodized fortified
water. The water extracted from the artesian well is divided into two streams: (1)
the first stream is filtered at 20 µm, softened by the ion exchange plant or dosed
antiscalant in the stream, filtered at 5 µm, demineralized by the reverse osmosis
plant and collected in tanks E3, E4 and E5 with total volume V150m3; (2) the second stream is filtered at 20 µm, passed through the zeolite filter, filtered at 5 µm,
then mixed with the first stream in the collection tanks E3, E4 and E5. The ratio of
water flows is established in such a way that the mineralization of the obtained
water is equal to 0.45-0.65 g/L, in a ratio of approximately 60/40%. In sections,
the water undergoes final filtration through a 1-µm filter, then disinfected by bactericidal plant and sent to the bottling lines. The iodine concentrate is dosed with
the dosing pump into the water stream immediately before bottling. The production capacity of the dosing pumps is calculated based on the amount of water in
the flow, which drains in a unit of time and the concentration of iodine. The iodine
concentrate is calculated using the following formula:
A = (Q ∙ K2)/K1 (1), whereas:
A - the amount of iodine concentrate, dm3;
Q - the amount of water in flow, dm3/h;
K2 - iodine concentration in the finished product, μg/dm3;
K1 - iodine concentration in iodine concentrate, μg/dm3.
The production capacity of the dosing pumps is calculated by the formula:
D = 100 × A/Qm, (2), in which:
D - production capacity of the dosing pump, %;
A - the required amount of iodine concentrate (from formula 1), dm3;
Qm - maximum production capacity of the dosing pump, dm3/h.
From the collection tanks the water is transmitted to the bottling department.
Prior to bottling, the organoleptic characteristics (clarity, color, taste, odor, presence of foreign inclusions) of the water are determined, as well as the iodine content, which must be within the range of 80-125 μg/dm3. If the water meets both
the requirements of SF 06817943-002 and the recipes, it is sent to bottling and in
the sales packaging. In case of deviations from the iodine content, the production
capacity of the dosing pump is corrected.
Conclusions. The implemented technology allows the production of iodized water, which is beneficial for the prophylaxis of goiter edema in the population.