Introduction. A clean environment is essential for human health and well-being.
The most well-known health issues are related to the pollution of the surrounding
air and poor water quality. Much less is known about the impact of hazardous
chemicals on population health and especially on the endocrine system. In
everyday life, people are exposed to a wide range of chemicals through polluted
air and water. In addition, the amount and variety of chemicals currently used and
the steady increase in chemical production suggest that human and water
exposure will continue to increase.
As a result, there are health effects of exposure to chemicals, pesticides during life,
especially in vulnerable periods, such as early childhood, pregnancy and old age.
Material and methods. The evaluation of the pesticide amount was carried out
by analyzing the statistical data on "Report on health and epidemiological status"
F-18, of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, "Report on the stock
and use of plant protection products" f-2/e and f-10/e of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food Industry.
Results. The National Public Health Agency monitors the amount of pesticides
and other chemicals in surface water supply sources, especially water intakes for
centralized drinking water supply in order to reduce public health risks.
Hygienically estimating the variety and intensity of pesticide use, it was recorded
that in 2020, 1907.2 tons of phytosanitary products were used in the country,
their number being 1240. Of these, 179 are products that can affect the endocrine
system. These products get into the water as a result of use. The monitoring
results of the drinking water quality from the artesian wells for public use, which
accounted for 2908, showed a high level of non-compliance with chemical
parameters. The results of the laboratory tests reported that the share of samples
that do not comply with the sanitary norms in terms of chemical parameters,
taken and examined from the artesian wells in 2020, was on average 71%,
compared to 65.9% found in 2019. Poor drinking water quality and unfair
access to water are the risk factors that can be prevented and influenced.
Improving the quality of the environment in key areas, such as air and water, can
prevent diseases and improve human health.
Conclusions. The phenomenon of chemicals impact on public health, as well as
the quality of drinking water are the major global challenges and sources of
concern for the public health service. Thus, to sum it up, chemicals including
endocrine disruptors can be identified as substances of very high concern along
with those known to cause mutations, cancer and reproductive toxicity. The aim is
to reduce the use and, finally, to replace these substances with safer alternatives.
The effects of chemicals, including those involved in disrupting the endocrine
system, can be observed long after their exposure.