Calcitriolum in the renal osteodistrophy treatment of the hemodialysed patients
The increasing in the number of the patients with end stage renal disease exteriorized the problem of its complications, including renal
osteodistrophy, determined by the disregulation of remodelation procedures in the bone tissue. 73% of the hemodialysed patients (22
from 30) densitometry investigated suffers from osteopenia or osteoporosis. They undergo a 1,5 month treatment with “Forcal+” (0,25
mkg Calcitriolum, 500 mg Calcium Hydrocarbonate). The efficacy of the treatment is indirectly correlated with the duration of the
hemodialysis procedures: a shorter period a patient is under hemodialysis and a earlier initiation with “Forcal+” treatment better
mineralization indexes are achieved. After “Forcal+” utilization patient’s quality of life is increasing, including physical component, pain
Arta Medica * Edifie specială Al IV Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal 3 7
release, emotional status and every day being.