Rezumat. Laserul Presbyond este o nouă modalitate de tratament a pacienților cu prezbiopie. Acest tip nou de laser modern oferă o tehnică
chirurgicală de ultimă oră în clinica noastră din 2019, timp în care au fost efectuate peste 150 de intervenții cu rezultate foarte
bune. Cele mai importante aspecte ale acestei tehnici sunt: selecția pacienților, managementul așteptărilor și o experiență de
lucru bună cu FemtoLasik.
The paper presents our experience with Presbyond,
a modern Laser Refractive Surgery Technique,
which treats presbyopia.
We started with Presbyond in March 2019. Since
then, we have performed over 150 procedures, with
amazing results and happy patients.
Some of the most important aspects of this technique
are patient selection, management of expectations,
and good experience with FemtoLasik surgery.
PRESBYOND is a technique performed using
unique software that modifies spherical aberration
to increase the depth of focus in each eye. The dominant
eye is corrected to see far and intermediate and the non-dominant eye to see intermediate and
near. The surgical steps are the same as in the femtosecond
LASIK technique.
Complications are those known to occur after
FemtoLasik surgery.
Postoperative neuroadaptation represents a
particular aspect to consider and enhancements
may be required overtime to compensate for the
decrease in accommodation.
In conclusion, we recommend Presbyond as the
best minimally invasive technique for presbyopia