The lecture treats, on a contemporary scientific level, the problems of incidence, pathophysiology and causes of lupus erythematosus systemic, its clinical picture with different variants of development, diagnosis – including the differential one, its treatment in exacerbations by means of single as well as a complex of corticosteroid, cytostatic, biologic, etc. drugs according to immunologic activity and involvement of inner organs. The problems of exacerbation prevention, an active follow – up of patients with lupus erythematosus systemic and prognosis are discussed.
Articolul tratează, la un nivel ştiinţific contemporan, problemele incidenţei, cauzelor, patogenezei, tabloului clinic cu variante de manifestare, diagnosticarea, inclusiv diagnosticul diferenţial, tratarea acutizărilor atât cu medicamente individuale, cât şi cu complexe de preparate corticosteroide, citostatice, biologice etc., în funcţie de gradul de activitate imunologică şi de afectare a organelor interne. Sunt, de asemenea, abordate problemele profi laxiei acutizărilor, urmăririi dispensarizate active a cazurilor de lupus eritematos sistemic, dar şi prognosticul.