Este prezentat materialul cercetărilor executate la elaborarea pastei
dentare BioR cu acţiuni anticarie, antiinflamatorii, imunomodulante, fără
conţinut de fluor și generalităţile tehnologice de obţinere a ei. A fost obţinut
certificatul pastei de dinţi cu BioR prin Brevet de invenţie MD 3534,
Burlacu Victor, Burlacu Valeriu, Fala Valentina, Rudic Valeriu, Fala Valeriu.
Summary. There is shown the data regarding the conducted research on the developing
of the BioR toothpaste with an anti-caries, anti-inflammatory and
immunomodulatory effects; a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride; as
well there is presented the general technical data regarding the process of
obtaining the toothpaste. There was obtained an invention patent for the
BioR tooth paste — Invention Patent MD 3534 (Burlacu Victor, Burlacu
Valeriu, Fala Valentina, Rudic Valeriu, Fala Valeriu).