În această lucrare s-a efectuat un studiu clinic al eficacităţii ortopantomografiei (OPG) şi computer tomografiei (CT). În studiu au fost incluşi 180
de pacienţi cu patologii stomatologice la care s-a realizat examenul radiologic (433 de imagini OPG şi 27 de investigaţii CT). Prelucrarea informaţiei
OPG cu instrumentarul disponibil pe care îl oferă programele de lucru cu
imaginea digitală OPG sau CT oferă stabilirea unui diagnostic exact, clar şi
corect, precum şi la alegerea unui plan de tratament sigur, adecvat fiecărui
caz clinic.
A clinical study of the efficiency of orthopantomography and computer tomography was made in this report. In this study were included 180
patients with dental (stomatologic) pathologies who had a radiologic examination performed (433 panoramic radiographs and 27 CT investigations). Information processing of the orthopantomography with available
tools offered by the programs working with digital image or CT provides
an exact, clear and correct diagnosis as well as a choice of safety treatment
plan, proper to each clinical case.