Restoration of the teeth with the massive losses of dental hard tissues
after endodontic treatment is an actual problem of dentistry. Restorations
represent considerable difficulties, because:
1. We deal with significant destructions of crowns owing to pathological
process / mechanical trauma;
2. After endodontic treatments diameter of the main root canal increases approximately twice.
3. The appearance at the last ten years of non-metallic posts and dental
restoration materials of the last generation (double-cured flowable composite
or double-cured/ triple-cured glassionomer cements), create the condition for
development of modern clinical decisions of the maximum biocompatibility. Corresponding technologies demand:
1. Use of special tools, procedures and methods in preparing of dowel
space — so-called “post space” or “post-canal”;
2. A concrete definition of the purposes, aggravating factors, indications
and contra-indications, recommendations and techniques.
Articolul relatează despre metode și procedee, avantaje și dezavantaje, importanța reabilitării dinților cu pierderi masive de țesuturi
dentare dure după un tratament endodontic.