Studiul a fost efectuat asupra 105 implante instalate la 29 pacienţi, dintre
care 13 (44,8%) femei şi 16 (55,2%) bărbaţi cu vârsta cuprinsă între 24 şi 67
ani (49,2±1,55 ani). Materialele acumulate a periotestometriei condiţional
au fost distribuite pe perioade de studiu: imediat după implantare, 1-7 zile,
8-14 zile, 15-21 zile. Implantele inserate în os dur (tip D1) a fost exclus din
studiu deoarece ele au fost aplicate după tarodarea neoalveolei.
Analiza datelor obţinute a dinamicii valorilor Periotest®
(VPT) a stabilităţii primare a implantelor (SPI) în perioada preprotetică arată un indiciu mult
mai elevat a mediilor VPT pentru os de tip D4 — de la 2,20±0,31 mm (indici
primari) până la 5,83±0,57 mm cu un pas mediu săptămânal de 1,15±0,15 la
21 zile, decât pentru os de tip D2 — de la -2,57±0,27 mm până la -1,60±0,36
mm . Pentru tipul de os D3 datele valorilor au poziţii intermediare — de la
-0,01±0,20 la 1,31±0,26 fiind apropiate de cele generale: de la -0,36±0,20 la
1,06±0,31. Dinamica VPT a SPI la maxilar de la 1,18±0,25 la 2,95±0,50 este
mai inferioară datelor pentru mandibulă de la -1,27±0,21 până la -0,24±0,33.
În baza analizei statistice a rezultatelor obţinute în acest studiu putem demonstra o corelaţie directă intensă dintre tipul de densitate a osului atât faţă de
diferenţa mediilor absolute a dinamicii VPT a SPI de stadiul I pe perioada de studiu (rxy=+0,92), cât şi a pasului mediu săptămânal a dinamicii VPT (rxy=+0,95).
The dynamics of primary stability degree of one-stage implants during the preprosthetic period
The study was performed on 150 implants installed in 29 patients, from
which 13(44,8%) women and 16 (55,2%) men aged between 24 and 67
years( mean age 49,2±1,55 years). The obtained materials of periotest measurements have been conditionally divided in study periods: immediately
after implantation, 1-7 days, 8-14 days, 15-21 days. The implants inserted in
a hard bone(D1 type) were excluded from the study because they had been
inserted after countersinking implant socket.
Data analysis of dinamic Periotest® (VPT) values of primary implant
stability during the preprosthetic period has shown higher average indications of VPT for bone type D4 — from 2,20±0,31(primer indices) up
to 5,83±0,57 at 21 days, than for D2 bone type — from -2,57±0,27 up to
-1,60±0,36. The values for D3 bone type have intermediate positions —
from -0,01±0,20 up to 1,31±0,26 being close to the general indices: from
-0,36±0,20 up to 1,06±0,31. The dynamics of VPT and primary implant stability for maxilla (from 1,18±0,25 up to 2,95±0,50) is lower than for mandible (from -1,27±0,21 up to -0,24±0,33).
According to the statistical analysis of obtained results in this study it
is possible to demonstrate a strong and direct correlation between the type
of bone density and the differnce of average absolute values of one-stage
implants primary stability dynamics during the study period(rxy=+0,92), as
well as the average weekly step of VPT dynamics (rxy=+0,95).
Accordind to the statistical results it is possible to conclude that:
1. the more bone density is (type D1,D2) the slower bone reshuffle is,
towards the bone with lower density (D3,D4);
2. it is recommended to make the superstructure in terms of up to 3
weeks for one-step implants;
3. the installation of one-step implants is contraindicated in low bone
density (type D4);
4. two-step implants are mainly indicated for maxilla (dependig on case).