Rezumat. Studiul clinic s-a efectuat pe un lot de 15 pacienți dintre care 8 de sex masculin și 7 de sex femenin, cu vârste cuprinse între 18-34 ani. Din totalul celor 15 cazuri, 10 sau adresat cu diagnosticul de pulpita acuta difuza, 3 periodontita cronica granulomatoasa, 2 pacienți tratament endodontic în scop protetic. La 11 pacienți s-a efectuat tratamentul endodontic primar, în 4 cazuri s-a recurs la tratament endodontic repetat (retratament endodontic). Canalul meziobucal doi a fost gasit, permiabilizat și obturat la toți cei 15 pacienți.
Summary. The clinical study was performed on a group of 15 patients, 8 of them
male and 7 female, aged 18-34 years. From the total of 15 cases, 10 patients
addressed with a diagnosis of acute diffuse pulpitis, 3 with chronic granulomatous
periodontitis, for two patients we performed endodontic treatment
by prosthetic purposes. For 11 patients was performed primary endodontic
treatment in 4 cases was performed endodontic retreatment of the root canals.
MB2 canal was found, instrumented and filled in all 15 cases.