Pe parcursul anului 2008 traumatismul maxilo-facial a ocupat locul doi
după procesele inflamatorii. Fracturile complexului maxilo-zigomatico-orbital sunt cauzate de accidentul rutier. Traumatismul asociat al feţei a alcătuit 37,25% din totalul bolnavilor cu traumă. Traumatismul craniocerebral
asociat cu fracturile complexului maxilo-zigomatico-orbital a alcătuit 91%
şi ebrietatea etilică 16%. Durata tratamentului cu traumatism facial asociat
a fost de 11 zile-pat. Fracturile complexului maxilo-zigomatico-orbital s-a
clasat pe ultimul loc maxilarul superior.
During 2008 year maxillofacial trauma took the second place among the
inflamatory processes. Maxillo-zygomatic-orbital complex fractures are caused by car crashes. The associated maxillofacial trauma represents 37,25%
of total patients. Craniocerebral traumas associated with the fractures of
maxillo-zigomatico-orbital complex traumas represent 91% and traumas
associated with alcoholism 16%. The treatment period of upper jaw truma
associated with the facial trauma was a 11 day bed regimen. Among the maxillo-zigomatico-orbital complex fractures the last place is taken by those of
the upper jaw.