Studiul nostu a fost efectuat pe pacienţi afectaţi de diverse boli cu evoluţie la distanţă de cavitatea orală sau de boli sistemice, cu scopul de a depista
existenţa unor focare de infecţie şi implicarea lor în apariţia bolii de focar.
Material şi metodă: La aceşti pacienţi li s–au efectuat examene clinice odonto‑parodontale pe baza foilor de observaţie existente în Clinica de
Odontologie şi Parodontologie, examene de laborator ce au constat în analize sanguine ale principalilor factori implicaţi în boala de focar.
Rezultate: La cazurile clinice prezentate s‑a constatat că focarele de infecţie odonto‑parodontale pe care le prezentau au produs modificări ale
constantelor biologice sanguine, cu posibilitatea apariţiei bolii de focar.
Concluzii: 1) La pacienţii cu multiple leziuni odonto‑parodontale netratate şi boli generale, poate evolua boala de focar, dacă medicul dentist nu
instituie un protocol terapeutic preventiv. 2) Analizele de laborator efectuate pe sânge, ne pot ajuta în depistarea precoce a unei posibile infecţii de
focar existente în organism.
The theory of focal infection states that dissemination of microorganisms or toxic products from infected teeth, teeth roots, gum tissues can cause
or aggravate systemic diseases and can produce alterations of some blood
biological parameters.
Objectives. Our study focused on patients affected by oral pathology
associated with systemic diseases. The study aimed to detect dental and periodontal infections and to establish their implications in focal infection.
Material and methods. We conducted a series of clinical oral exams
and paraclinical examinations based on blood tests on patients from Restorative Dentistry Department.
Results. Some patients from our study presented dental and periodontal
infections that altered blood biological parameters. These cases were included in a category of patients with a high probability of focal.
Conclusions. Patients with numerous untreated dental and periodontal
lesions associated with systemic diseases, present a high risk of focal infection, if the dentist delays initiation of specific oral treatment. The laboratory
blood tests can be useful for early detection of the focal infection.