Bolile parodontale sunt considerate, astazi, boli inflamatorii de origine microbiana ce determina cresterea markerilor inflamatiei (IL-1, PCR,
TNF-α). Acest lucru explica de ce bolile parodontale sunt factori de risc
potentiali pentru unele boli sistemice – diabetul zaharat, afectiunile perinatale, cardiovasculare etc.
Sunt prezentate datele actuale privind atat rolul inflamatiei in etiopatogenia bolilor parodontale, cat si relatia dintre bolile parodontale si cele
cardiovasculare, insistandu-se pe colaborarea care trebuie sa existe intre
medicul dentist si medicii de alte specialitati (cardiolog, neurolog).
Periodontal disease is considered nowadays an inflammatory disease of
microbial origin, which determines an increase in inflammation markers
(IL-1, PCR, TNF-α). This explains why periodontal diseases are potential
risk factors for some systemic afflictions such as diabetes mellitus, prenatal
and cardiovascular diseases.
New information, concerning also the role of inflammation in periodontal disease pathology and the relationship between the periodontal and
cardiovascular disease, are presented, insisting on the understanding that
must exist between the dentist and other specialist doctors (cardiologist,