Scopul studiului il reprezinta evaluarea unei posibile corelatii intre parodontitele cronice stadiul sever si nivelul lipidelor serice.
Materiale si metoda: Un lot de 59 de pacienti cu varsta intre 45-54 de
ani carora li s-au efectuat anamneza si examenul clinic, precum si analize
generale (colesterol si trigliceride).
Rezultate: 44,8% dintre pacienti prezentau nivele crescute ale trigliceridelor (valoare medie 212 mg/dl), iar 55,17% dintre pacienti prezentau un
nivel crescut al colesterolului total (valoare medie 256mg/dl).
Concluzii: Exista o corelatie intre parodontitele severe si nivelele serice
crescute ale colesterolului si trigliceridelor, fapt ce trebuie sa atraga atentia
medicului dentist.
The purpose of the study is the evaluation of a possible correlation between severe stage chronic periodontitis and the level of serum lipids.
Materials and method: A sample of 59 patients, between 45 - 54 years
old, who underwent clinical dental examination and a set of blood analysis
(cholesterol and triglycerides).
Results: 44,8% of the patients exhibited high levels of triglycerides (median value of 212 mg/dl), and 55,17% of them exhibited a high level of total
cholesterol (median value 256mg/dl).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between severe periodontal disease
and high serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, a fact requires the
attention of the dentist.