Au fost examinaţi şi trataţi complex 12 (5b., 7f.) pacienţi cu denivelarea
planului de ocluzie, modificarea curbelor ocluzale şi instalarea dezechilibrului ocluzal ca urmare a parodontitelor cronice marginale asociate cu
edentaţii parţiale intercalate. Refacerea armoniei planului de ocluzie şi a
reechilibrării ocluzale s‑a efectuat prin tehnici ortopedo‑protetice în concordanţă cu criteriile ocluziei funcţionale.
Restoration of harmony of the level of occlusal plane and occlusal equilibrium at treatment of chronic marginal parodontitis associated with
included partial edentation
There were examined and completely treated 12 (5m., 7f.) patients with
changes of harmony of the level of occlusal plane, disorders of occlusal curves because of chronic marginal parodontitis associated with included partial edentation. The restoration of harmony of occlusal plane and occlusal
equilibrium was carried out by orthopedical‑prosthetical methods according to criteria of functional occlusion.