Studiul a fost efectuat pe un lot de 15 pacienţi purtători de proteze metalice vechi, uzate, oxidate, ce sufereau concomitent de diferite forme ale LRP
şi galvanoză (20-50 pA).
Acestor pacienţi li s-au înlăturat protezele vechi şi s-a aplicat un tratament complex individualizat. Examinarea ulterioară la distanţă (1-2 ani) a
arătat dispariţia sau diminuarea vădită a simptomelor galvanozei şi ale LRP.
There were examined 15 patients with old, worn, oxidized prosthesis
that were suffering from various forms of Lichen ruber planus and Oral galvanism (20-50 pA).
All those old prostheses were removed and were applied an individualized comprehensive treatment. Further subsequent examination ( 1 -2 years)
showed the disappearance or obvious decrease of the Galvanism and LRP