Clinico‑radiologic a fost studiată manifestarea clinică a materialului
biocompozit Kolapol KP‑3 asupra regenerarii ţesutului osos in urma afectiunilor periapicale odontogene. A fost dovedit că e posibil de evitat aparitia defectelor estetice in urma augmentarii defectelor osoase. Dinamica
şi timpul vindecarii e în plină dependenţă de marimea inciziei si volumul
procesului patologic distructiv.
Surgical treatment of periapical chronic affections
Clinical evaluation of bone regeneration was clinically and radiologically studied. Biocomposite material Kolapol KP‑3 was used in the periapical
odontogenic affections.It was proved that it is possible to avoid appearance
of esthetical defects after augmentation of bone defects.Dynamics in healing period dependson the size of the incision and the volume of pathological process.