în ceastă lucrare autorii descriu cîteva particularităţii de acreditare
care constituie un instrument prioritar pentru evaluarea calităţii serviciilor acordate populaţiei în sectorul privat. Autorii au determinat scopul, au
deyvoltat obiectivele, au specificat normele legislative şi standartele de bază
privind evaluarea şi acreditarea serviciilor medicale pe baya unui raport
bazat pe 46 instituţii stomatologice private acreditate de Camera Naţională
de Atestare şi Acreditare.
In this paper the author describes some evalution and accreditation peculiarities, which constitute a priority tool for the evaluation of the guality
of services provided to the population in private stomatologic facilities. The
authors determine the goal, develop the obiectives , justify the legislation,
emphasize the basic standards of evaluaion and accreditation and make an
analysis of the results of the studied reports form 46 private stomatologic facilities which been granted accreditation certificates by the National Council for Health Evaluation and Accreditation.