Obiective. Stabilirea nivelului seroprevalenței markerilor hepatitelor virale A, B, C și E la lucrătorii medicali din secția de urologie a Spitalului Clinic
Republican în vederea ajustării măsurilor de profilaxie a acestor infecții la ei.
Metode. A fost realizat un studiu epidemiologic descriptiv transversal în baza probelor de sânge prelevate de la lucrătorii medicali, care au fost
testate prin metoda imuno-enzimatică la markerii hepatitelor virale: anti-HAV, anti-HAV IgM, AgHBs, anti-HBcor, anti-HBs, anti-HCV, anti-HEV IgG și
anti-HEV IgM. În total, au fost examinați 49 lucrători medicali, efectuându-se 392 de investigații de laborator.
Rezultate. În cadrul lucrătorilor din secția de urologie, s-au identificat următoarele seroprevalențe pentru markerii virali: AgHBs - 2,0±2,0%; antiHBcor - 38,8±7,0%; anti-HBs - 51,0±7,1%; anti-HCV - 4,1±2,8%; anti-HAV - 100%; anti-HAV IgM - 0%; anti-HEV IgG - 12,2±4,7%; anti-HEV IgM
- 12,2±4,7%. Grupurile cele mai afectate au fost persoanele de gen feminin, asistentele medicale sau personalul auxiliar și cei cu o experiență de
muncă de ≥30 ani.
Concluzii. Rezultatele obținute indică faptul că lucrătorii medicali din secția de urologie pot fi considerați un grup cu risc crescut de infectare cu
virusurile hepatitelor B, C și E.
Objectives. To determine the seroprevalence levels of viral hepatitis markers A, B, C, and E among healthcare workers in the urology department of
the Republican Clinical Hospital, with the aim of adjusting preventive measures for these infections in this group..
Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted based on blood samples collected from healthcare workers. The
samples were tested using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method for viral hepatitis markers: anti-HAV, anti-HAV IgM, AgHBs,
anti-HBcor, anti-HBs, anti-HCV, anti-HEV IgG, and anti-HEV IgM. A total of 49 healthcare workers were examined, and a total of 392 laboratory
investigations were performed.
Results. Among healthcare workers in the urology department, the following seroprevalence rates for viral markers were identified: AgHBs -
2.0±2.0%; anti-HBcor - 38.8±7.0%; anti-HBs - 51.0±7.1%; anti-HCV - 4.1±2.8%; anti-HAV - 100%; anti-HAV IgM - 0%; anti-HEV IgG - 12.2±4.7%;
anti-HEV IgM - 12.2±4.7%. The most affected groups were female individuals, medical assistants or auxiliary personnel, and those with a work
experience of ≥30 years.
Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that healthcare workers in the urology department may be considered a high-risk group for infection
with hepatitis B, C, and E viruses, warranting the need for tailored preventive measures for these infections in this specific group.