Introduction. Arterial and venous thromboembolism is a disease with a high impact on morbidity and mortality. Their
pathological mechanisms of aggregation directed by the clotting factors along with the variations in clinical manifestation
are regarded to a high moiety of genetic polymorphisms along with a wide diversity of comorbidities.
Material and methods. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, which included a total of 119 sources. Among
these, 60 sources were systematically collected, while the remaining 59 sources were selected through non-systematic
Results. We have identified different treatment options that regard both the venous or arterial thromboembolism in
contrast with numerous pathogenetic outcomes, population groups along with biomarkers that significantly modify
the clinical aspects of the therapeutical and post-clinical treatment aspect. At the moment its diagnosis is continuously
improving worldwide, taking into consideration a high diversity of experts’ opinions with a wide practical experience.
Conclusions. Arterial and venous thromboembolisms are serious medical conditions that can be prevented and effectively
managed with modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.