Objectives. Highlighting the particularities of the economic impact of resistance to antimicrobial preparations and establish the methodologies
used in estimating the antimicrobial resistance burden exposed in scientific publications.
Methods. The current study is a synthesis with the evaluation of 19 scientific articles selected from PubMed. The review of the scientific publications
included in the study has revealed that the economic impact of antimicrobial resistance entails a series of costs, assignable to hospitals, to patients
and to society as a whole.
Results. The most common approach applied in the analyzed publications consists in referring to antimicrobial resistance as an externality. Studies
performed on the basis of a hospital, focus mainly on the direct costs induced by antimicrobial resistance. Studies that analyze the economic impact
of the antimicrobial resistance on a global level or the macroeconomic one, offer forecasts regarding the main macroeconomic indicators – global
domestic product, international trade, livestock production etc., on the basis of different scenarios of development of antimicrobial resistance. About
a third of the scientific articles focus not only on measuring the impact of antimicrobial resistance, but also suggest policies, mechanisms and
instruments to diminish antimicrobial resistance spread and, thus, decrease the costs associated with antimicrobial resistance.
Conclusions. The wide spread of antimicrobial resistance in time will increase the economic burden, by increasing healthcare costs, decreasing labor
productivity and Gross Domestic Product, livestock production and external trade, and inducing not only quantitative, but also qualitative effects on
global economy. Developing countries face deeper problems regarding the economic impact of antimicrobial resistance, it is observed especially on
macroeconomic level.