Introduction. Upper maxillary compression syndrome is characterized by a deficit in transversal development and is recognized within the classification system of the German school. Regardless of the schools’ affiliation according to which this
malocclusion is classified, the objective is to determine and select the treatment method with maximum efficiency. Thus,
the compression of the upper jaw can also be included as a component in class II subdivision 1 malocclusions, presenting in
2 clinical forms. In addition, the types of palatal suture and their impact on the development of the maxilla in the transverse
plane were identified. The purpose of the study was to assess the importance of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
n providing a comprehensive diagnosis of this malocclusion and formulating an elaborate treatment plan.
Material and methods. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 165 patients were enrolled in the study. The
research included patients with jaw compression syndrome diagnosed orthodontically during the mixed and permanent
dentition periods. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the stages of formation of the medio-palatine
suture, correlating with their biological age. The research sample was calculated using ANOVA program: fixed effects, omnibus, one-way Analysis.
Results. Determining the shape and degree of formation of the median palatal suture at the ages studied in the research,
favors the selection of modality, type, and speed of expansion. These factors are directly related to the stage of formation
of the palatal suture, which may or may not coincide with the patient’s biological age. CBCT is the method of choice for
assessing this. Furthermore, the range of movement in millimeters that can be achieved after separating the upper jaw can
be determined, regardless of the type of expansion.
Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the data, we can appreciate the variety of expansion methods depending on the
degree of formation of the medio-palatine suture. Through a comprehensive paraclinical examination and accurate interpretation, we can establish the definitive diagnosis of this clinical entity and create a treatment plan that minimizes the
chance of recurrence.