Volumul 3: Recent submissions

  • Grib, Adriana; Grejdieru, Alexandra; Manea, Alexandru; Şaragov, Lilia; Sârbu, Zinaida; Mihalachi, Georgeta; Ciobanu, Rodica; Grib, Andrei; Ţirulic, Ecaterina; Botnari, Roman (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Sinus tachycardia (TS) is a heart rhythm disorder characterized by the acceleration of sinusal rhythm, 100 beats / minute. TS is a physiological response to effort, stress, pregnancy, and in diseases: hyperthyroidism, ...
  • Nofit, Rodica; Grejdieru, Alexandra; Grib, Liviu; Moraru, Tihon; Dumitraş, Tatiana; Fustei, Roman; Botnari, Cristina; Grib, Andrei; Guţanu, Ludmila (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Ischemic heart disease is the most common cardiac pathology. Angina pectoris (AP) "de novo" is a form of unstable AP, a clinical expression of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which is characterized by constrictive ...
  • Bodrug, Nicolae; Botezatu, Adriana; Negara, Anatol; Parasca, Vasile; Zlatovcen, Ala; Pastuh, Liudmila (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    The combination of isolated systolic hypertension with coronary heart disease in elderly patients dramatically increases the risk of serious life-threatening complications. The administration of ozone therapy in the ...
  • Grigoriţă, Angela; Popovici, Maria; Lupu, Lilia; Filimon, Angela; Ignat, Rodica; Cucoș, Nicolae; Curocichin, Ghenadie (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Aquisition and consolidation of risk factors happen in young age, and, if persistent, these produce the development of diseases. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the risk factors in groups of young age in order to ...
  • Lutîca, Nicolae; Popovici, Ion; Grib, Andrei; Grib, Livi; Ochișor, Viorica; Mihalache, Georgeta; Mazur-Nicorici, Lucia; Andronati, Vladimir; Lazu-Morcov, Mihaela; Cernăuţan, Vladimir; Surugiu, Iulian; Ceasovschih, Alexandr (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    In this study was analyzed the coronary stent`s length impact in in-stent restenosis occurrence after a 6 month term from the coronary angioplasty procedure with bare metal stent implantation in a group of 150 patients ...
  • Surugiu, Iulian; Grib, Livi; Popovici, Ion; Grib, Andrei; Grăjdieru, Romeo; Andronati, Vladimir; Grejdieru, Alexandra; Vetrilă, Snejana; Mazur-Nicorici, Lucica; Cernăuţan, Vladimir; Lutîca, Nicolae; Ceasovschih, Alexandr (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Correct management of the first hours of acute myocardial infarction is the most important link in the prevention of mortality, complications, and achieve good results in the further development of patients. Studying the ...
  • Grib, Liviu; Iovu, Ion; Batrînac, Aureliu; Grejdieru, Alexandra; Cuciuc, Valeriu; Morcov, Larisa; Grib, Andrei; Cardaniuc, Ludmila; Lazu, Mihaela; Ceasovschih, Alexandr (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    This article represents a work of synthesis, based on the literature reviews, and includes the classification principles of congenital cardiac malformation – single ventricle, treatment techniques presented according to ...
  • Grosul, Iea; Lazu, Mihaela; Grosu, Alexandru; Popovici, Ion (CEP "Medicina", 2013)
    The aim of this study was to highlight the echocardiographic characteristics in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary revascularization procedure (PCI) according to statins administration in post-PCI period. Left ...
  • Cotov, Tatiana; Mazur-Nicorici, Lucia; Grejdieru, Alexandra; Grib, Liviu; Mazur, Minodora (CEP "Medicina", 2013)
    Aortic valve disease is often associated with atrial fibrillation the prevalence of which, is estimated at 0,4% in general population. Thromboembolic complications in valvular atrial fibrillation is of 17,5% and in the ...
  • Serbulenco, Aliona (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    The research considers the results of implementation the screening for identification the biological, behavioural and social risk factors, which causes increased morbidity and mortality among people with cardiovascular ...
  • Пламадяла, Оксана; Гриб, Ливиу; Сорочану, Ала; Греждиеру, Александра; Самохвалова, Елена; Море, Татьяна; Часовских, Александр (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Valvular disease is a common cause of heart disease and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. One of the most valuable method for the diagnosis of valvular heart disease is echocardiography (EchoCG) - modern, safe and ...
  • Taşnic, Mihail; Revenco, Valeriu (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Despite the relatively low incidence of myocardial infarction in young pacients (4-10% of all myocardial infarctions), serious complications and possible death make this condition a major social problem. An important ...
  • Rusu, Maia; Rusu, Nicolae (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Stem cells therapy is a new method in myocardial infarction treatment. The purpose of this article is to clarify if stem cells therapy is efficient in treatment of patients with heart attack. A review of 7 randomized ...
  • Prisacaru, Eugenia; Caproş, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Metabolic disorders including diabetes, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance affect arterial function and increase their susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus occurs in ...
  • Caproş, Natalia; Danilov, Aurel; Cuzor, Tatiana (CEP "Medicina", 2013)
    In order to study valvular heart disease particularitis in coronary artery disease were investigated 405 patients with coronary artery disease and acute ischemic episodes admited to the Chisinău „Sfânta Treime“ Municipal ...
  • Toncoglaz, Alina; Grejdieru, Alexandra; Grib, Liviu; Samohvalov, Elena; Antoci, Victoria; Toncoglaz, Oleg; Toncoglaz, Constantin; Grib, Andrei; Gârbu, Lucia; Andronic, Ana (CEP "Medicina", 2013)
    Infective endocarditis (EI) is a serious septic disease with microbial graft locating in the valves or other cardiac structures, causing structural damage and systemic embolisms. Prosthetic valve IE (PVIE) is the most ...
  • Tornea, Aliona; Cepoida, Elena; Pripa, Valerii; Lupaşco, Tatiana; Moghildea, Elena; Basova, Svetlana (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Both benign and malign tumors are the most frequent causes of one-eyed exophthalmos, being responsible for more than 90% of retrospectively examined cases. Studied group included 652 patients consulted at the Radiology ...
  • Coteaţă, Mariana; Baraniuc, Vitalie; Pripa, Valeriu; Râbnova, Natalia; Cepoida, Elena; Basova, Svetlana (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Cervical sympatoganglionitis is a rare disease that can potentially produce a number of complications. This disease's relative rarity and ability to mime different pathologies often prevent early diagnosis and adequate ...
  • Cepoida, Irina (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Speciality literature review regarding the analysis pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with predominantly obstructive as well as restrictive lung pathology was supplemented by 96 abstracts from PubMed database. ...
  • Cepoida, Irina (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    In this article there is presented a speciality literature review as well as information about X ray diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension basing on the PubMed scientific database. The performed analysis has ...

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