21 cases (42 extremities) of stenosis of the superficial artery of the hip are described. The
most struck zones of the femoral artery, which are subject to occlusion, are defined, most often
owing to formation of ...
The incidence of type I diabetes mellitus is rising 3-5% per year. The general prevalence
of this disease ranges from 1.6 - 30.9% depending on the country. The modern field of
diabetology proposes different mechanisms ...
Female bony pelvis is not only an essential part, which protects pelvic organs, but it
determines also the structure of the delivery canal. The problem of the bony pelvis is still up-todate, in particular in the absence ...
Axillary artery is frequently injured due to the trauma of the shoulder region.
Nevertheless the management of such injury is often controversial and several techniques have
been developed in vascular surgery in the last ...
Congenital liver abnormalities are considered to be rare. But their presence can
complicate different medical procedures. The knowledge of possible liver anatomy variations
can be useful for hepatobiliary surgeons and ...
A study was performed using macroscopic dissection of renal pelvis of 45 kidneys.
Intrarenal pelvis type was found in 50% of cases. Rarely in 2% of cases there was no pelvis. Men
have 2-3 major calyces in 81% of cases. ...
The purpose of this study is to associate ALV with migrena. Migrena is a chronic
disorder characterized by recurrent from moderate to severe headaches. It is one of the most
common medical complaints presented by patients. ...
The notion of biomechanics can be increasingly found in scientific literature from the
latest years. This scientific branch started to develop faster in the ‘70s. As science, the
biomechanics can explain a lot of processes ...
The Dupuytren’s contraction is a disease that affects only human body, especially the
hand.It’s an illness of the connective tissue and it appears like a fibroid that evolves for a long period of time, and very disabling, ...
Nervus terminalis is the foremost cranial nerve. Although its existence in man was
discovered almost a century ago, it remains the least described cranial nerve and modern
anatomy textbooks give just a discreet reference ...
There were studied the anomalies of spleen development: lack and accessory spleen. It
has been established by means of macroscopic method that an accessory spleen is most
commonly detected near the lienal hilus of the ...
The article сontains the literature review on the glomic structures of the aorta and new data on their variability inside the ascending aorta fat pad, the fact proven by microscopic results of our studies.
Articolul ...
The nervous aparatus of choroid plexus of the human brain ventricles is represented by
paravasal nerve plexus, superficial and deep adventitial nerve plexus, nerve bundles and single
fibers. The receptor unit of the ...
The studies of influence of the primary packaging on the solutions stability were realized.
Stability of injectable and infusion solutions was investigated according the required AND, by
storage in stress condition at ...
This study presents the results of a complex analysis of consumption and expenditure of
medicines used for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. It
covers a 4-year time period. Six ...
Lawsuits in medicines’ and pharmaceutical activity’s domain reflect, in some degree, the
quality of pharmaceutical act realized in the health system. Different characteristics of
infringements committed in pharmaceutical ...
The food-drug interactions on the example of warfarin and two foods - garlic and ginger -
were studied. It is shown, that concomitant administration of warfarin with increased
consumption of garlic and ginger, leads to ...
Pharmaceutical market of Moldova it is saturated with antidiabetic pharmaceuticals and
most of them are imported. Availability of products used to treat diabetes is 54.28 % and
affordability of medicines which stimulate ...
This study represents a complex analysis of pharmaceutical assistance in rural areas of
Republic of Moldova, based on the example of Edinets district. The following aspects of
pharmaceutical assistance have been studied: ...
These materials present a synthesis of existing literature concerning the importance of
organic germanium in enhancing the capacity of healing and prevention of cancer.
Materialele date prezintă o sinteză ...