Background: One of the main indicators of the welfare of a nation is the index of women's health status. Women's health (or health care) is the key
factor, on which depends the happiness and wellbeing of each family. During her life cycle, a woman passes through several stages that affect the health
of the genital organs: menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. When ladies are facing these situations, most of them remember
that they followed some drug treatments for long period of time. This scientific study represents an analysis of the pharmaceutical preparations and their
forms used in gynecology practice. According to records from the State Nomenclature of the Republic of Moldova, research methodology was developed
(using the following criteria: anatomical therapeutic chemical classification, dose, division, country and industrial pharmaceutical company producer,
producer's price, terms of validity), based on local authors publications. The research study was conducted and reveals the information gathered before
(until) 31st of March, 2016.
Conclusion: Taking into consideration all pharmaceutical forms registered in the State Register of the Republic of Moldova, used in gynecological practice
can be divided into: a) pills, b) pessaries, c) injection solutions. The Republic of Moldova is located at the top of the list of the 21-producing countries,
which have registered pharmaceutical forms, used in gynecological practice. Domestic producers of medicines are covering approximately 10.98% of
pharmaceutical products segment.