Introducere. Boala parodontală este o afecțiune inflamatorie a țesuturilor de suport ale dintelui. Prevalența bolii parodontale este de 10% la adolescenți și de 90% la adulți. Cercetările anterioare au arătat că numărul de dinți lipsă este direct corelat cu placa coronariană . Scopul lucrării. A evidenția relația cauzală dintre boala parodontală și ateroscleroză. Material și metode. Au fost analizate 70 de lucrări tematice, iar 40 de reviuri sistematice și studii clinice au fost incluse în acest studiu. Bazele de date electronice au fost reprezentate de PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar și Web of Science. Strategia de căutare a folosit o combinație de
Background. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of dental supporting tissue. Prevalence of periodontitis is 10% in teenagers and 90% in adults. Past research has shown that the number of missing teeth is directly correlated with coronary plaque. Objective of the study. To surface the causal relationship between periodontitis and atherosclerosis. Material and methods. A comprehensive literature search of over 70 papers was read and 40 peer reviewed articles and clinical trial papers were used in this study. Electronic databases included PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar and Web of Science. The search strategy utilized a combination of keywords and Medical Subject Headings terms related to periodontitis and atherosclerosis. Methods to gather research on this topic relied on both formal and informal sources. Results. Consensus among all clini cal studies showed elevated levels of P-selectin and Tissue Factor in individuals with periodontitis. In addition, there was an additive effect on levels of P-selectin and Tissue Fac tor in individuals suffering from both periodontal disease and atherosclerosis. Finally, individuals with periodontal disease and atherosclerosis had decreased levels of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor. Conclusion. (1) Etiological as sociation between periodontitis and atherosclerosis is the accumulation of plaque. (2) Presence of gram-negative bac teria in both periodontal plaque and atherosclerotic plaque initiate an inflammatory response and activate endothelial cells and platelets. This causes a spike in levels of P-selectin and Tissue Factor.