Background: Cranial deformities (plagiocephaly) generate various health problems in children, fact that may influence neurophysiological development
both craniometrically and functionally. The aim of this study was to develop an algorithm for diagnosis of cranial deformities and dental alveolar appearance
in children with delayed neurologic sequelae.
Material and methods: 370 children with neurological disorders were examined by a team (neurologist, orthodontist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon,
plastic surgeon). It was recorded in the individual questionnaire: a) the degree of cranial deformity; b) the form of dentoalveolar anomaly c) type of
brain dysfunction, which allowed the elucidation of correlations, previously unknown, depending on the nature and intensity of specific clinical and
evolutionary manifestation.
results: Cranial deformities in children were highlighted in 50% of cases. Relation boys:girls was 1:1. Positional cranial deformities in 25% of cases are
associated with a different degree (the first degree – 1%, the second degree – 7.3%, the third degree – 50%, the fourth degree – 4.1%, the fifth degree –
1%), and 1.96% of craniostenosis and 21% of other deformities in children with severe cognitive and motor disorders. Dental and maxillar deformities
in the sagittal plane were found in 28% of children with and in 25% without cranial deformities. Dental crowdings were found in 54% of children with
and in 30% without cranial deformities. While the protrusion of the mandible and dental spaces were found in 8% and 21% in children with and 10%
and 18% in children without cranial deformities.
conclusions: In conclusion we found that cranial deformities in children with neurological disorders are present in 50% of cases. In the diagnosis of
dental and maxillar deformities, it is necessary to determine when cranial deformities can lead to installation of malocclusions in children. In order to
confirm the results of this study, it is necessary to make studies on anatomic disorders of cranial basis, cranial vault.