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Contribuţii la optimizarea selectivităţii metodei cromatografice

Show simple item record Casian, Ana Casian, Igor Valica, Vladimir 2019-06-25T00:12:36Z 2019-06-25T00:12:36Z 2006
dc.identifier.issn 1812-5077
dc.description Institutul Naţional de Farmacie, Chişinău en_US
dc.description.abstract In prezenta lucrare au fost examinaţi unii factori ce influenţează asupra selectivităţii metodei HPLC. S- au examinat probleme practice de optimizare a realizării de aparat aplicate în analiza cromatografică: alegerea dimensiunilor geometrice ale coloanei şi particulelor de sorbent, repartizarea optimă a modulelor utilajului cromatografic. Au fost studiate efectele precoloanelor la eficienţa rezultantă a sistemului cromatografic. S-a propus o modalitate de excludere a picurilor-artefacte prin selectarea intervalului optim de injectare a probelor. In fine, au fost propuse unele recomandări practice referitor la toate problemele studiate de noi în această lucrare. The series of the factors which have influence on the HPLC method selectivity have been explored in the given work. The practical problems on optimisation of apparatus realisation of chromatographic analysis are surveyed: a choice of geometrical dimensions of the column and sorbent granules, optimal placement of modules of chromatographic instrumentation. The influence of guard-columns parameters on the resulting efficacy of chromatographic system has been investigated. A method of artefacts exclusion by selection of optimum injection interval was offered. Finally, some practical recommendations on all investigated problems are offered in present word. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Revista Farmaceutică a Moldovei en_US
dc.subject HPLC en_US
dc.subject Selectivity Optimisation en_US
dc.subject Column Parameters Optimisation en_US
dc.subject Extra-Column Effects en_US
dc.subject Guard- Column Effects en_US
dc.subject Artefacts Exclusion en_US
dc.subject.mesh Chromatography, Liquid en_US
dc.subject.mesh Image Processing, Computer-Assisted en_US
dc.title Contribuţii la optimizarea selectivităţii metodei cromatografice en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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