

Recent Submissions

  • Kulciţkaia, Stela; Vilc, Valentina; Alexandru, Sofia; Pisarenco, Nadejda; Marcoci, Lidia (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    The peculiarity of appearance and evolution of drug-resistance tuberculosis in patients aged below 18 years, has been determined. In most of cases were identified resistance of M.tuberculosis to the first line anti-tuberculosis ...
  • Ivanoglo, Alexandru; Vazian, Elena (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    The clinical features of 135 cases of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients have been studied. All patients were treated at Municipal Hospital in 2006-2010. Men predominated (67,4%), aged between 20-40 years (80,0). ...
  • Iavorschi, Constantin; Emelianov, Oleg; Bolotnicov, Valentina; Brumaru, Albina; Vilc, Valentina (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    There were examined 43 late-detected patients (with pulmonary fibro-cavitary tuberculosis) in the years from 2007 to 2010 in Chisinau and Orhei and 61 comparison group of patients detected timely (with nodulary and ...
  • Calaraş, Diana (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    Lung functional disturbances in sarcoidosis are often described as restrictive, lately obstructive functional changes are increasingly found in patients with sarcoidosis, which are associated with a poor prognosis. A ...
  • Dumitraş, Tatiana; Matcovschi, Serghei; Nikolenko, Ion; Draguţa, Nelea; Caproş, Natalia; Ciobanu, Tamara (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    According to the recent studies Streptococcus pneumoniae remains the main etiological agent of community-acquired pneumonia. Rates of pneumococcal resistance to penicillin and clinical significance of this phenomenon ...
  • Botnaru, Victor; Chesov, Dumitru; Covalciuc, Sergiu; Brocovschi, Victoria (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    Severe pneumonias represent a complication of influenza which is more frequent during pandemic outbreaks. Relying on the fact that severe pneumonias usually imply significant acidbase disorders (ABD), we intend to study ...
  • Ustian, Aurelia; Zbanţ, Alexandru; Boblic, Rodica; Paladi, Carmina; Demişcan, Galina; Stoian, Vladimir (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    Treatment efficacy was analyzed in 107 patients TB / HIV which were treated at Municipal Hospital of Pneumophthysiology in the years 2006 to 2009. The treatment results have established the following: cured and treatment ...
  • Corlăteanu, Alexandru (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    COPD is multifaceted disease, which consists of different phenotypes. Attentive assessment of comorbidities must enter in the routine evaluation of COPD patients, and appreciation of pulmonary function must be done in ...
  • Scaleţchi, Valentina; Condraţchi, Diana; Pisarenco, Serghei (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    For patients with mild COPD a comprehensive functional-diagnostic study of the system of respiration has been conducted (spirometry, body-plethysmography, pharmacological bronhodilatation test with β2-agonist, pulse ...
  • Botnaru, Victor; Rusu, Doina; Brocovschii, Victoria; Toma, Cristina; Chesov, Dumitru (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    Despite the aviailability of numerous modern medical devices and potent antibiotics, pneumonia remains the leading cause of mortality and costs. Pneumonia is the most frecvent cause of antibiotical prescription. ...
  • Botnaru, Victor; Munteanu, Oxana (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    During the last several years, thin-section CT has become a well-established imaging technique for evaluating interstitial lung disease, including idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP). The study group included 56 ...