Show simple item record Melenciuc, Maxim 2019-06-25T04:24:13Z 2019-06-25T04:24:13Z 2008
dc.identifier.citation MELENCIUC, Maxim. Fracturile inchise diafizare a oaselor gambei. In: Anale Științifice ale USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 9-a. Chişinau: СEP Medicina, 2008, Vol. 4: Probleme clinico-chirurgicale, pp. 152-156. en_US
dc.description Catedra Ortopedia şi Traumatologia USMF ”N Testemiţanu” en_US
dc.description.abstract The proplems of the treatment of closed fractures of the tibial and fibular diaphysis are still actual, as it was since ever. During the evolution of this science a predominant way of treatment was the orthopedic one, being completed in last 40-50 years with the surgical one. Modern treatment of tibial fractures involves both nonoperative and operative modalities that are chosen for the individual patient to allow maximum functional restoration of the extremity, given the by limitations of the injury to the limb as an organ and the individual's psychosocial and physical condition. Problema de tratament a fracturilor inchise diafizare a oaselor gambei a fost şi rămăne a fi actuală. Pe parcursul evoluţiei traumatologiei, a dominat tratamentul ortopedic, ca în ultimii 40-50 ani, tot mai insistent, se impune şi cel chirurgical. Dar, ca şi în decenii precedente, la moment există indicaţii atît pentru efectuarea modernă a tratamentul ortopedic, cît şi chirurgical, argumentarea căruia constituie scopul acestui articol. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher CEP (Medicina) en_US
dc.title Fracturile inchise diafizare a oaselor gambei. en_US
dc.title.alternative Closed fractures of the tibial and fibular diaphysis en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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