Is impposible to make a modern diagnosis of uveit is without search of HLA-B27.At the patienst with uveitis,HLA-B27 is present in 19-88%.In medical magazines is dissucssed the evolution of HLAb27+.The first HAA associated with a inflamatory disease was described in 1972 and it was called HLAB27 associated with ankylosing spondylitis .This remain the most known relation between HLA B 27 and one disease. Since then were described a lot of others diseases associated with this antigen: ocular and systemic diseases with specific ocular manifestations. Often HLA is associated with uveal disease.
Diagnosticul modern al uveitelor nu poate fi conceput fără cercetarea imunogenetică a haplotipului HLA-B27. Printre pacienţii cu uveită fenotipul HLAB27 se întîlneşte în proporţie de 19-88%.Uveita anterioară acută HLAB27+ poate fi o entitate clinică distinctă, dar şi în asociere cu un grup de boli reumatice autoimune, denumite spondilartropatii seronegative. În revista literaturii sunt discutate particularităţile clinice, evolutive şi pronosticul uveitelor HLAB27+.