There were 219 children included in the study with different forms of asthma. 172 of asthma patients or/and their parents were educated in the School for Children with Asthma children, where they were informed about risk factors and triggers, clinical manifestations, prophylactic measures and asthma medicines. Other 47 not implicated in the educational program children were investigated similarly. Obtained knowledge allows children to understand what kind of triggers are, how to eliminate them, asthma symptoms, some methods of treatment and prevention. The study established efficiency of School for Children with Asthma in evolution of asthma.
Studiul a inclus 219 copii cu diferite forme de astm bronşic. 172 de copiii şi părinţii lor au fost instruiţi în Şcoala copilului cu astm, unde s-au efectuat activităţi educaţionale despre factorii de risc, manifestările clinice, profilaxia şi tratamentul astmului bronşic. Alţi 47 au fost investigaţi identic celor educaţi, nefiind incluşi în procesul educativ. Studiul a permis stabilirea eficacităţii activităţilor educaţionale în cadrul Şcolii Copilului cu Astm în evoluţia astmului bronşic la copii în comparaţie cu cei neinstruiţi.