Some pathogenetical links in generating of disseminated intravascular coagulation Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a complex systemic thrombohemorrhagic disorder involving the generation of intravascular fibrin and the consumption of procoagulants and platelets. The resultant clinical condition is characterized by intravascular coagulation and hemorrhage. DIC is always secondary to an underlying disorder and is associated with a number of clinical conditions, generally involving activation of systemic inflammation. DIC is most commonly observed in severe sepsis and septic shock. DIC has several consistent components including activation of intravascular coagulation, depletion of clotting factors, and end-organ damage. Prognosis varies depending on the underlying disorder. The prognosis for those with DIC, regardless of cause, is often grim. The colloquial reference "death is coming," refers to the lack of existing and alternative forms of available treatment options, and to an expected worsening prognosis.
Coagularea intravasculară diseminată (CID) este un sindrom complex care implică formarea fibrinei intravascular şi consumarea factorilor procoagulanţi şi a plachetelor sangvine. Tabloul clinic este determinat de prezenţa trombilor în vasele microcirculatorii, şi de sindromul hemoragic. Sindromul CID apare întotdeauna pe fundalul unei patologii de bază. Pronosticul pentru un pacient cu diagnosticul CID depinde de patologia de bază, dar de regula, este nefavorabil, din cauza lipsei alternativelor şi opţiunilor de tratament.