dc.description.abstract |
Biological theory of cancer is a new way of treating cancer, its goal being the stimulation of the immune system in order to treat or prevent the apparition of tumors. Many strategies of biological treatment, such as cytokines, antitumoral vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, retinoides have already proved to be efficient by having a long-lasting action and only a few side-effects. Nowadays, the problem of discovering some strategies, which would combine the methods of biological treatment with the traditional ones, for the improvement of life quality in patients with tumors, is being thoroughly discussed.
Terapia biologică a cancerului este o nouă cale de tratare a cancerului, premisa căreia este stimularea sistemului imun în scopul tratării sau prevenirii apariţiei tumorilor. Numeroasele strategii de tratament biologic, aşa ca utilizarea citokinelor, vaccinurilor antitumorale, anticorpilor monoclonali, retinoizilor şi-au demonstrat eficacitatea, avînd un efect durabil şi puţine efecte adverse. În prezent se pune problema elaborării unor strategii de combinare a metodelor de tratament biologic cu cele tradiţionale în scopul ridicării calităţii vieţii pacienţilor. |
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